N 14949 – Population
Issues. Na Interdisciplinar Focus. Edited by Leo J. G. Van Wissen and Pearl A.
Dykitra. Kluwer Academy / Plenum Publishers. 287 Pgs. 15,5x23cm. Encadernado.
This volume marks the end of an eight-year program of
research on population issues, launched in 1990 by the Netherlands Organization
for Scientific Research: The NWO Priority Program on Population Issues.
Initiatives for this program of research were taken over ten years ago by Hans
Van Ginkel-who became the first program chair - and Dirk Van De Kaa. The Dutch
community of population scientists is deeply indebted to them for their early
efforts. At the time, the program carried the name "Between Individual
Development and Social Solidarity: Pop ulation and Society in a Period of
Transition. " The goals of the Priority Program were threefold: To reduce
the fragmentation of research on population issues; to increase collabora tion
among population researchers with different disciplinary back grounds; and to
strengthen the position of population studies in Dutch academe and in
international forums. Looking back over eight years of programed research, we
can safely say that the Priority Program has given an enormous impetus to
population research in the Netherlands - as this volume attests. This program
of research could not have been carried out success fully without the valuable
contributions and constructive input of a large group of scientists. The scope
and the focus of the Priority Program were defined by a preparatory committee
chaired by Gerard Frinking.
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