domingo, 2 de janeiro de 2022

N 14352 – Traité de Numismátique.du Moyen Age, 3 Volumes. A. Engel – R. Surre. 17x24cm. Réimpressiom 1964.

Arnaldo Forni Editore, Bologna (Italy). 1459 Pgs: Tome premier – (LXXXVII) 352 pgs. ; Tome Deuxiéme – 354-930pgs; Tome Troisiéme – 945-1459pgs. 514 illustrations.  

The Traité de numismatique du moyen âge was a survey of European medieval coinage by Arthur Engel (1855-1935) and Raymond Serrure (1862-99) issued in three volumes between 1891 and 1905.[1] Arthur Engel was an archaeologist and numismatist, a member of the French Society of Numismatics and the Society of Antiquarians. He was also a member of the French Schools in Rome and Athens.[2] Raymond Surrure's father and grandfather had been noted numismatists. He traded as a coin dealer in Paris and after his death his widow carried on his business until 1913.


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